miercuri, 29 mai 2013

30 Mai. Matematică la TVR: 80 de șoferi vor lucra pe cele 140 de mașini pe care conducerea vrea să le cumpere
PREA PUȚINI ȘOFERI LA TVR. În şedinţa de ieri a Consiliului de Administraţie s-a hotărât începerea negocierilor pentru obținerea de fonduri europene nerambursabile destinate construcției


The Purge - A stranger threatens to enter the Sandin's home
The Purge - A stranger threatens to enter the Sandin's home Given the country's overcrowded prisons, the U.S. government begins to allow 12-hour periods of time in which all illegal activity is legal. During one of th... From: VISO Trailers Views: 350 54 ratings Time: 00:41 More in Entertainment
The Purge - Charlie asks his parents why they don't participate in The Purge
The Purge - Charlie asks his parents why they don't participate in The Purge Given the country's overcrowded prisons, the U.S. government begins to allow 12-hour periods of time in which all illegal activity is legal. During one of th... From: VISO Trailers Views: 301 44 ratings Time: 00:45 More in Entertainment
The Purge - James tells Mary and Charlie they are going to fight
The Purge - James tells Mary and Charlie they are going to fight Given the country's overcrowded prisons, the U.S. government begins to allow 12-hour periods of time in which all illegal activity is legal. During one of th... From: VISO Trailers Views: 301 35 ratings Time: 00:53 More in Entertainment

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