marți, 7 mai 2013

Câți bani din publicitate a făcut „Suleyman Magnificul


Dirty Wars - Official Trailer {HD]
Dirty Wars - Official Trailer {HD] Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars. Get m... From: VISO Trailers Views: 2449 141 ratings Time: 02:21 More in Entertainment
Sightseers - Official Trailer
Sightseers - Official Trailer [HD] Chris wants to show girlfriend Tina his world, but events soon conspire against the couple and their dream caravan holiday takes a very wrong turn. Get more ... From: VISO Trailers Views: 3830 115 ratings Time: 02:10 More in Entertainment
Frances Ha - Official Trailer
Frances Ha - Official Trailer [HD] A story that follows a New York woman (who doesn't really have an apartment), apprentices for a dance company (though she's not really a dancer), and throws ... From: VISO Trailers Views: 301 46 ratings Time: 01:53 More in Entertainment
7 Mai. Câți bani din publicitate a făcut „Suleyman Magnificul”. Chișu lansează o emisiune despre publicitate
VENITURI. Vânzările de publicitate în cursul celor 62 de episoade ale serialului Suleyman Magnificul, difuzate între 10 septembrie 2012 și 23 aprilie 2013, au adus

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