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Omul de afaceri Gruia Stoica si fostul avocat Doru Bostina au fost trimisi in judecata de procurorii Departamentului National Anticoruptie (DNA) in dosarul privind traficul de influenta pentru obtinerea unui contract cu Complexul Energetic Oltenia in defavoarea CFR Marfa. Citeste si: Miza unei mite de 3 milioane de euro. FENECHIU apare in dosarul lui Gruia Stoica- Vezi REFERATUL PROCURORILOR, CU INTERCEPTARI In comunicatul DNA se arata ca 'Procurorii din cadrul Directiei Nationale ...
Yo reddit! We are the team behind Thug Notes (, the illest literature show on the web. You have Greg Edwards (aka Sparky Sweets, PhD.), Jared Bauer (show creator, co-writer), Joseph Salvaggio (researcher, co-writer) and Jacob Salamon (producer, co-illustrator) ready to answer your questions. AUA! PROOF: UPDATE: Well this has been fun, y’all. Thanks for taking the time to come ask us questions. We love book suggestions, so tweet at us or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter. New episodes every Tue
Cristian Tudor Popescu, la Gândul LIVE: Dacă acest marţafoi, răcnete, ajunge preşedintele României, mă...
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