Gravity - Official Trailer [HD] Astronauts attempt to return to earth after debris crashes into their space shuttle, leaving them drifting alone in space. Get more new movie trailers - Subs... From: VISO Trailers Views: 14487 512 ratings Time: 01:34 More in Entertainment
Battle Of The Year - Official Trailer 2 [HD] An American b-boy crew heads to France to compete at the Battle of the Year International Championships. Release Date: 25 January 2013 Genre: Comedy Cast: Jo... From: VISO Trailers Views: 13457 566 ratings Time: 02:20 More in Entertainment
The Hangover Part 3 - How Did You Not Know This Was From Chow This time, there's no wedding. No bachelor party. What could go wrong, right? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all bets are off. Get more new movie trail... From: VISO Trailers Views: 301 154 ratings Time: 01:07 More in Entertainment
Now You See Me - Thaddeus & Tressler Make a Deal
Now You See Me - Thaddeus & Tressler Make a Deal FBI agents track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money. Get more new movie trai... From: VISO Trailers Views: 301 35 ratings Time: 00:51 More in Entertainment
Now You See Me - Atlas Interrogation
Now You See Me - Atlas Interrogation FBI agents track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money. Get more new movie trai... From: VISO Trailers Views: 301 52 ratings Time: 00:43 More in Entertainment
Now You See Me - We're Going To Rob A Bank
Now You See Me - We're Going To Rob A Bank FBI agents track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money. Get more new movie trai... From: VISO Trailers Views: 301 28 ratings Time: 01:00 More in Entertainment
15 Mai. Pro TV, Dacia şi Algocalmin, printre cele mai de încredere branduri
TOPUL ÎNCREDERII. Pro TV, Dacia şi Algocalmin se numără printre brandurile în care românii au cea mai mare încredere, potrivit studiului Trusted Brands 2013, realizat
The Hangover Part 3 - Why Don´t You Spend More Time With Him
The Hangover Part 3 - Why Don´t You Spend More Time With Him This time, there's no wedding. No bachelor party. What could go wrong, right? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all bets are off. Get more new movie trail... From: VISO Trailers Views: 301 111 ratings Time: 00:52 More in Entertainment
Comunicat de presă - Şedinţa CNA din data de 14.05.2013
● decizie de intrare în legalitate în privinţa spotului publicitar „ColonHelp”, difuzat în cadrul emisiunii „Ajutor! Vreau să slăbesc!” ● decizie privind acordarea unui drept la replică de către postul Info TV din Arad - Comunicate de presă
Revista Presei CNA, 14 mai 2013
● Adevărul: Pe ce se bazează Orange când atacă piaţa de retransmisie TV în lupta cu UPC, RCS şi Dolce ● Revista 22: Acord de liber schimb UE-SUA: România se alătură celor 13 ţări care susţin excepţia culturală - Revista presei audiovizuale
MAY 13
Ordinea de zi a şedinţei de marți, 14 mai 2013, ora 10.00
Proiect de Hotărâre a Guvernului pentru aprobarea Strategiei privind tranziția de la televiziunea analogică terestră la cea digitală terestră și implementarea serviciilor multimedia digitale la nivel național ● Solicitări prelungiri licențe audiovizuale ● Rapoarte de monitorizare - Ordinea de zi
Situaţii privind licenţele audiovizuale şi avizele de retransmisie
Situaţii privind licenţele audiovizuale pentru programe de radio şi de televiziune, avize de retransmisie pentru societăţile de cablu şi acţionarii societăţilor radio/TV - Licenţe şi avize